Thursday, November 8, 2012

Communication with an iFrame

This section provides the technical information required to use JavaScript to communicate between a HTML document referenced via iFrame and the parent HTML document enclosing iFrame.

Lets consider a HTML document enclosing an iFrame like this:
                <BODY id="parentBody" onClick="showParentInfo();">
                      <P id="parentP">Hello, this is a parent frame</P>
                     <INPUT id="parentCode" type="hidden" value="Hello from Parent"/>
                     <DIV id="parentDisplay"></DIV>
                     <IFRAME id="childFrame" src="childFrame.html" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0" height="400" width="400">
                          <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
      with a JS function:
                function showParentInfo() {
                    var iFrame = window.parent.document.getElementById("childFrame");
                    var iFrameDocument = iFrame.contentDocument? iFrame.contentDocument: iFrame.contentWindow.document;
                    iFrameDocument.getElementById('childDisplay').innerHTML = this.document.getElementById("parentCode").value;

And the iFrame content can be something like this:
               <DIV id="childBody" onClick="showchildinfo();">
                      <P>Hello, this is a child frame</P>
                      <INPUT id="childCode" value= "Hello from Child"/>
                      <DIV id="childDisplay"></DIV>
    with a JS function:
                function showchildinfo() {
                    var document = window.parent.document;
                    document.getElementById('parentDisplay').innerHTML = this.document.getElementById("childCode").value;

Parent to Child Window Communication:
                 To access the DOM elements/Javascript fucntions of the HTML document referenced from iFrame, we need to get the below references:
                         1. Reference to the iFrame Element
                                 var iFrame = window.parent.document.getElementById("childFrame");
                         2. Reference to the Document object of the source referenced by the iFrame
                                 var iFrameDocument = iFrame.contentDocument? iFrame.contentDocument: iFrame.contentWindow.document;
                 Once we have the DOM Element reference, any element type can be accessed and manipulated. For example, here we are pushing a hidden input's value from parent document to the HTML document's DIV Element referenced from iFrame:
                          iFrameDocument.getElementById('childDisplay').innerHTML = this.document.getElementById("parentCode").value;
                And the JavaScript fucntion can be accessed in a similar way:     

Child to Parent Window Communication:
                 To access the DOM elements/Javascript fucntions of the HTML document enclosing the iFrame, the parent window's document object has to be retrieved:
                         var document = window.parent.document;
                 Once we have the DOM object, DOM elements/JavaScript fucntions can be accessed:
                         DOM Element: document.getElementById('parentDisplay').innerHTML = this.document.getElementById("childCode").value;               
                         Javascript Fucntion: window.parent.document.showparentinfo();


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